Browse films

Pussy Love

Linda Krauss
Germany, 2023, 4 min.

Includes nudity and sexual content.

Cool Cat invites you! To join the world of Pussy Love. Enjoy a show of lust and laziness! Let’s have fun with tits and dicks. The claws are sharp, the soda is sparkling and the fur is getting wet. Romance is kitsch. But even the most jaded cat can still be lost for love.

Director's Statement

‘Pussy Love’ is my observation and comment on modern dating. There is a curiosity and desire to experience our sexuality. I love it! We’re free and easy, kitten. But actually, I'm in love and now I look really stupid. Emotional indifference makes you attractive? Dating can be really confusing. As open as I am with my sexuality, I'm very closed when it comes to my feelings. Working on ‘Pussy Love’ I realized I have to learn to communicate how I feel. And that in fact, I’m not a cool cat.

Category: Animation.

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