Browse films

Nightmare of Gaza

Farah Nabulsi
Jordan, 2018, 13 min.

In English.

A haunting, abstract and experimental narrative of a woman in the streets of Gaza surrounded by the devastation after the bombs have stopped. She has been helping others, but revelations show it is she who now needs help.

Director's Statement

I wrote and directed Nightmare of Gaza to "unearth the forgotten"; to remove the distance between the suffering of those in Gaza (Palestine) and the rest of humanity through one human experience of a mother by entering her personal and psychological perspective. It is an adaption from an audio piece that I felt could be best expressed in an abstract, experimental way rather than attempting to use traditional film and dialogue. It tells the story of thousands of mothers in what is essentially the largest ghetto in history on a tiny piece of land subjected to military offences.

Category: Experimental.
Themes: Poetry, War, Women, World Cinema, Family, Human Rights.

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