Browse films


Leo Behrens
United States, 2023, 7 min.

In Silent.

"Skin" is a poetic exploration of identity and self-discovery, using visual symbolism to depict a woman's transformation into a man. With the help of their inner manifestation, the ice man, they sheds their old skin and embraces their true identity.

Director's Statement

In 2011, I began transitioning from female to male, a profound experience that served as the inspiration for my film "Skin." Through cinematic symbolism, I externalized my inner conflicts and portrayed my internal journey through the story's main character. I confronted neglected aspects of myself, enabling me to let go of parts of my identity and embrace authenticity. My aim was to create a narrative resonant with everyone, as I believe personal transformation transcends gender orientation, speaking to a universal theme. I want to provoke introspection, and raise the question: Are you truly authentic in how you express yourself?

Category: Experimental.
Themes: Gender identity, LGBTQIA.

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